What motivates growth in climate sceptics?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The point is the governments decision is a popular one - not necessarily a sound one. The deeper point is that you could advise them that this apparenetly long term decsion was weighted with a quick fix pardigm and is not what it seems !Just quick fix

Who would have thought that as practical scientists of the 60's we would face the prospect that our life's work in big picture environmental understanding and risk management would be so often ignored for blinkered, inadequate and even irrational views . The opportunity to invest wisely in conservation is being lost to those with an unrealistic and narrow museum worldview view of the world that avoids buying into the really tough and dynamic cutting edge issues. - the ones that Africa Asia and the Middle east need to move with right now .

Clearly too , if we are going to be more effective , we have to recognize the rational basis for the irrationality that’s out there Things like worldview, denial ,projection and guilt factors and the widespread Western cultures failure to see different value systems as actual heavy weighting factors in human decision making.

What gives the post Christian worldview of “nature worship” so much power is the value its adherents place on matter over mind. Those of us who want to see sound outcomes and not tokens need to take”nature worship” issues seriously because the values systems themselves can powerfully and increasingly distort the mere “evidence on its own “principles.

It’s easy to see elements of distortion , narrowmindedness ,fear, guilt and projection going on in that ‘irrational and emotive opponent” - harder to recognize it in your own worldview. To reduce the degree to which we might be calling the kettle black , we need to understand how to rationally argue both science and values together - to chase objectivity - well done AEF !

We , and our governments , can be a lot more effective in sound conservation investments if we understand and accept the real depths of the paradigm challenges that face each community living in and with each environment . Join in and help us BE objective and avoid cul de sac quick fix and token investments in conservation. http://cuttingedgeconservation.blogspot.com

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Spreading Jam on Wounds

"I've got no doubt that right across the country we're spending far too much on bureaucracy and administration and we need to make sure more of it gets to the pointy end," The HON IAN CAMPBELL said yesterday

While I welcome the focus on the pointy end, the conservatives still give the dollar to the wrong accountability groups simply because they prefer simplicity.
And while I am not one to promote the simple greens, Ian's very talk of "trees" is simple talk all big picture conservationist learn to hate . Sustainable conservation, if its anything, is not simple- spreading jam stuff . Complexity, diversity and success in integration are the key to sustaining life here on earth and its not simple; possible though! .
All those who treat it with tokens waste precious dollars and career opportunitiies for our children. Give our children more than token efforts and advance the real professional and political issues and challenges http://productionecologists.blogspot.com

Our leaders like to focus on the sweets rather than the substance . They still get lulled into a sense of false comfort by the mere mention of the word "enterprise" , unaware of the high risk of isolation rather than integration-
The left hand does not knowesth what the right handeth doeth .The nurse and the CEO talk different languages. One offers jam, the other talks about uneccesary jagged edges( real sustainability issues), and how to avoid them long term .
Government is not business and true accountability ( Minister to Department) is still the key to sore prevention,stable, sustainable and more satisfying staffing and support .
All the other expensive rubbish their revived quango theology has created in the last couple of decsdes will keep coming back to bite them big time- the waste is the current governments creation ---not neccesarily the goodwill and volunteer groups-groups who one presumes still get little money for propaganda purposes.

see also govtisnotbusiness