What motivates growth in climate sceptics?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Climate change uncertainty

Update sept 07 . Mr Plimer did well in the Age yesterday . The media fascination with "new science" has caused many of them to miss the intellectual boat completely : "forgeting "as they have for years that geologists have a very legitimate view of earth processes and the best way to work new research in earth science . Old science is infact an expression of what we as scientists respect . It contrasts rather well with the common myopia and wonder working worship of "new science" and the more recent shortsighted preoccupation with the emphemeral - the study of hot air .

Plimer was on the money, but not fast enough for the chasers war on truth ; the fast moving agenda change agents . In his Age article today he uses "global warning " words which like the correct idea of "climate change uncertainty " is fine for scientists because it relates to facts . BUT Such talk is now , it seems, not new enough "science speak" - for those who claim to support science but who are often only interested in moving on ?

Mr Plimer did a great job BUT he still needs to keep up to date with the lost wandering tribes of diversionary tactic specialists .
In a matter of a mere cool spell , they have changed course again !

They now insist on talking only of "climate change" and resisting "global warming" talk . One presumes that their key target ( the audience) is getting cold here in Victoria .
Apperently, the term "global warming" limits their opportunity to say things .

The "new science" brigade want the opportunity to stay in front of the debate; to say anything they like about climate; especially that it does change. Clever , but not new discoveries in science ! You heard it first on blogger !

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