What motivates growth in climate sceptics?

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Why do Polys resort to taxes to try and do" conservation" ?

1. Because we let them,  and because the logic is simple . 
If you think about that ; It suits them and too many of us 

The public don't really want to do something about conservation .They don't want to give up anything .  They want the government to do everything . So the government tax our water and power on the logic that we will use less because it costs more - its brilliant logic and it suits everyone . 
Everyone that is , who doesn't think deeply about these things or those who are trained to do the hard vigilance planning and disciplined stuff that keeps conservation culture and our caring culture alive - 
All this latest move will do is drive is a reaction against conservation
The trouble with tax driven change of this type  is , amongst other things  is it gives a licence to our polys to spend our money telling us what to do .
2.Because money can motivate and governments have no other tools in the toolbox( at the moment )see the vehicles below)  . Mind you the lack of a method   won't stop them trying to find a few,,  and wasting money on that effort .  
 3 . Because the real stuff of conservation is much tougher-- and therefore even the tax money probably won't be used well . They like simple things 

.3 Because the real stuff of conservation is much tougher and you require competencies they increasingly don't have 
The consequences of this crass coercion is that conservation no longer remains a choice , that only tokens and changing objects of worship will be bought ( dying trees instead of biodiversity sprees) .
Even a lot of noise from the Greens won't be able to stop this unsustainable move into the dark of government directed nannyism and speculation.
The greatest evil is being done in the name of the best of intentions . Will the real conservationists please stand up ! 

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